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Pekin Church of Christ


Welcome to our website! We are excited to share God's Word with you and help you to "...grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Jesus Ch​rist" 2 Peter 3:18.

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Services Are Streamed Live Each Sunday

Schedule of Services


8:45am "Moments of Truth" WSLM 97.9FM/1220 AM


Sunday Morning Bible Study With Classes For All Ages


Morning Worship Service


Youth Bible Study


Evening Worship Service

Monday 6:30pm

Teen Bible Study

Wednesday 7:00pm

Bible Study For All Ages

Use Your Bible!

This year we will have our “Use Your Bible” Question series in this part of our Bulletin. We will focus the questions each month on various aspects of the Christian’s responsibility when it comes to “serving” others.

Theme: Who Is The Greatest?

1. At the last Passover, what did Christ say to His disciples? (Luke 22:15, 16)

2. Concerning what had there been a strife among the disciples? (Luke 22:24)

3. How did Christ rebuke this spirit? (Luke 22:25, 26; Mark 10:42-45)

4. What did the Savior say of His own position? (Luke 22:27)

5. Notwithstanding that He was their Lord and Master, what example of humility and willing service did Christ give? (John 13:4, 5)

6. What was the custom anciently respecting feet-washing? (Gen. 18:4; Gen. 19:2; Gen. 43:24; Judges 19:21; 2 Sam. 11:8)

7. How did Christ reprove Simon for misjudging Him in permitting a woman who was a sinner to wash His feet? (Luke 7:44)

8. What question did Peter ask concerning this proffered service? (John 13:6)

9. What answer did Jesus make? (John 13:7)

10. How did Peter feel about the Savior washing his feet? (John 13:8)

11. What was the Master’s reply to Peter? (John 13:8)

12. Learning that union with Christ depended on this service, what did Peter say? (John 13:9, 10)

13. After having washed their feet, what did Christ say? John 13:15)

14. What did He say about washing one another’s feet? (John 13:13, 14)

15. What did Christ say would be their experience in obeying His instruction? (John 13:17)

16. How does Christ regard an act performed toward the humblest of His disciples? (Matt. 25:40)

Upcoming Lessons and services:

June 6, 2021

​On Moments of Truth

Genesis and Leadership

Adult ​Bible Class

1 Thessalonians

Morning W​orship

Christians and  the Cancel Culture

Reading: Gal. 1:1-5

Kid​s Class

Various studies

Evenin​g Worship

Demons: Agents of Satan

Reading: Matt. 12:43-45

Pekin Church of Christ Meeting at

399 S. Fisrt St. Pekin IN.

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